FAQ – Footnotes and Endnotes Methodology Footnotes and Bibliography Methodology Question: Citing a Book Written by Numerous Authors Question: Citing the Back Cover of a Book Question: Endnotes' Procedure and Number of References Question: Footnote for a Foreword Question: Footnote Regarding an Expert Author's Paragraph Question: Footnotes and Copyright Protected Documents Question: Footnotes and Direct References Question: Footnotes and Official Letters Question: Footnotes and Punctuation Marks Question: Footnoting a Citation from a Translated Book Question: Numbering and Continuation of Footnotes Question: Positioning of the Number Question: Proper Reference for the Transcription of a Conference Question: Proper Use of the Ibid. Terminology Question: Quoting a Book's Section Written by a Single Author Question: Quoting from a Dictionary Question: Quoting from a Website Question: Reference for a Scholar's Lecture Question: Reference for an Essay Published in a Book with Many Authors Question: Referencing Photos and Pictures Question: Two Footnotes in a Single Sentence Question: Using a Source More Than Once